The Dapper Enterprises
The Dapper Enterprises was founded by Sir Paul Dapper Napper in 2014. It is an amalgamation of multiple international businesses spanning 52 countries and growing with a massive impact. The company focuses mainly on Real Estate Investments, Developments, Coaching, banking, investing, financial advice and more. The Dapper Academy, The Dapper Homes, The Pioneership, The Dapper Developments, The Dapper Real Estate Institution, and The Charity to help the homeless and others in need are all part of the bigger picture. The business has done projects in the US, Australia, Dubai, Europe and more.
Sir Paul Dapper Napper was born in Dublin in 1982, in a not much favourable environment surrounded by poverty and crime. His determination, hard work and unwavering vision have led him to become the Rolls Royce of real estate investments, selling million-dollar properties across the world and providing financial advice, thus resulting in the Dapper Academy. He is known as Mr Profitable in the financial sector. He believes that with the right attitude and mindset one can achieve the dreams and be successful. Although being a very successful businessman, Sir Napper always cares for the poor and the needy, thus he founded the charity ‘Help the Homeless BELIEVE’.

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